Welcome To This Healing Space!

My name is Lacey Bailey and I'm truly honored to be your guide on a journey of transformation through the realms of shamanism and holistic healing.

Here, we explore the timeless wisdom of these ancient practices, renowned for their remarkable ability to rebalance, harmonize, and revitalize every facet of your life.

No matter what aspect of yourself you seek to heal or nurture, consider this website your all-encompassing resource.

How To Use This Site

Countless hours have been, and continue to be, devoted to creating a platform where everyone can learn, educate, and connect with healing modalities that resonate with them all in one place.

I wholeheartedly believe that holistic healing should be accessible to everyone. While many blogs discuss specific healing modalities, they often don't cover the full spectrum of holistic and spiritual practices. If you aren't aware of what's available, it's hard to explore all the options and see what works for you.

My goal is to provide a comprehensive resource on this site, covering everything from sound healing, plant medicine, and spiritual healing to shamanism, energy medicine, muscle testing, EMFs, and so much more. I hope you’ll use this resource to explore the deep connection between our energy systems and spirituality.

As you navigate through the site, you'll notice recurring themes and how one system relates to the next. My hope is that you begin to realize the incredible power of the body, mind, and spirit and how everything is connected. 

If you’re facing challenges such as anxiety, depression, insecurity, confidence, or anything else, I encourage you to use the search bar on the home page to find the best modalities to address your specific needs.

This will be your quickest way to launch your healing journey and filter through the things that may not be calling you presently. You can always come back to those things another time.

Since this site launched in April 2024, there may be limited content on the specific topic you're searching for. However, new articles are posted twice a week, so please consider subscribing to stay updated on your healing journey and be a part of the tremendous growth this site has in store.

Please also consider following my socials where I share helpful and insightful bits to help you along your journey.

shaman drum

About Me:

My Path from Trucking To Healing

Lacey Bailey

Ever felt like there’s something unique about you, something you can’t quite put your finger on? That was me, growing up. I remember being 11, playing in the backyard with my sister, feeling this deep connection to the universe. It was like there was something out there waiting for me, but I couldn’t quite grasp it. I’d find myself drawn to quiet corners of nature, sitting still, grounding myself. I didn’t really understand it back then, but it just felt right.

Fast forward to when I turned 21, I was at a crossroads, unsure of my career path. After a heart-to-heart with my brother, who was diving into the trucking industry, he suggested I join him. He was just starting out and needed a driving partner. So, I enrolled in trucking school. A few weeks later, we hit the road, traveling across the USA together. Since I was new and still in training, my income was minimal. My brother, who had recently adopted a vegan diet, offered to cover my meals if I agreed to eat vegan too. "Beggars can’t be choosers," I thought, and I said yes.

In just a few weeks, I started noticing changes. My energy levels skyrocketed, and I lost about 15 pounds of inflammation and body fat. This transformation was hard to ignore. I became curious and started diving into audio books and podcasts on holistic health, nutrition, and natural healing. For nearly 11 hours each day, as I drove, I absorbed everything I could about the power of food and its connection to health and well-being.

When my brother bought his second tractor and I started driving solo, I continued my vegan diet and my newfound passion for holistic health. By the time I was 25, this interest had blossomed into a real pursuit. I enrolled in a Holistic Health Practitioner program and studied holistic nutrition. It was then that I began to see how my childhood behaviors connected to my present interests. Foods didn’t just nourish us; they connected us to the earth and played a role in our healing.

But I still felt like something was missing. My career advanced, and I moved into management in the transportation industry, overseeing fleets across multiple states. Yet, I couldn’t shake the feeling that there was more for me to learn about holistic health.

A few years later, a major life upheaval led me to discover energy healing and shamanism, which turned out to be the missing piece I had been searching for. To fully immerse myself in these practices, I bought a 5th wheel travel trailer and decided to live in nature, deepening my connection to the universe and exploring spiritual healing, while pursing my passion for outdoor recreation.  During this time, I worked with shamans and energy healers across the country, earned my Reiki Master Certificate, and continued my education at the Foundation for Shamanic Studies.

After nearly a decade of study and self healing, I decided to leave my career in the transportation industry. I felt it was time to put my years of study and passion to use, helping others heal through holistic modalities with a key focus on energy healing, shamanism, and plant medicine. Looking back, I see that the universe had been guiding me all along. I just needed to create the space to understand and embrace it. 

This journey has taught me that sometimes, we just need to trust the process, even if we can’t see the full picture. The universe has a way of leading us to where we’re meant to be.

I am grateful that the universe has guided you here. May this resource serve as the beginning of your healing journey or deepen the one you’ve already begun.

Our Journey Together

Welcome to your free gateway for transformation. Here’s what you can explore:

  • Shamanic Insights: Dive into ancient rituals, plant medicines, and spirit world connections to awaken your inner healer.

  • Holistic Wellness: Uncover the mind-body-spirit connection with practices designed to enhance vitality and cultivate inner peace.

  • Reiki Healing: Experience the profound effects of Reiki, channeling universal energy to promote deep relaxation and balance.

  • Meditation: Achieve alignment and purpose with guided meditation practices for release and clarity. (Coming Soon)

  • Community: Become part of a vibrant fellowship of seekers, sharing support, experiences, and growth.

  • Education: Enroll in upcoming courses and workshops to deepen your understanding and skills. (Coming Soon)

  • Podcast: Stay connected with insights from experts in energy work, holistic healing, shamanism, plant medicine and spirituality. (Coming Soon)

Let’s embark on this journey of healing and discovery together.

My Vision: Empowering you to unlock your potential for balance, vitality, purpose, and self-healing.

Join Me: Explore articles, free resources, and courses. Let's unveil your healing potential.

Thank you for being here. May this journey be transformative and filled with self-discovery.

With gratitude and love,

Lacey Bailey

lacey bailey